Thursday, June 17, 2010

Okay so having something of my own is pretty cool.

I can log on and see my own creations being worn by others!
I see the comments under the picture "Her outfit is so cute! Where did you get it!?"
It makes you feel good inside.

When you register online to become a retailer of known brand names you usually fill out an application online and send off prof you have a sales tax certificate, then they just email you saying "Congratulation! You can now by whole sale..etc.."

Well this has happen twice now! I fill out the application send in the prof of certificate and I think okay ill get an email any day now...I not only get the Congratualtions email but a CALL from the company! Wow.. One sales to online venters all the time the other doesnt.. the once who doesnt tells me how impressed they are with my items and site..etc..

=D talk about a pat on the back . That was good ..more so when the start of the day wasnt!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No time for this!

My day starts at 7:30am and usually doesn't end until 2am.

most of the day with the on orders.. or I find myself browsing the net for the next item I want to post to the site.

Getting sick is not on the books for things we do !

I can't get sick! It sucks for me!

Who is going to take care of me when I'm sick!?!

Who is going to tuck me into bed ,kiss me on the head ,and bring me soup then check on me in an hour to make sure im still kicking!?

No one..
When I'm sick.. I still have to take care of everyone and the house and be super women all at the same time!

Even worse the kids are sick as well! Kaelyns ears are hurting the poor baby
Reese has some weird ass rash..

and my freakn head feels like its going to bust...
I need sleep !
No time for sleep
there is no time for any of this!

..Wish I could of stayed in bed...

..I hate days like today
The days that test you
The days that make you want to cry.
The days that you want to just be over with.
Days like this can't be over with soon enough.

I want to crawl back into my bed and sleep the day away.

Day starts @ 7:15 with .. a fit throwing , screaming , rash covered two year old...
... ear pulling.. teething.. 8month old who now is coughing..
... I dont want to go back to the dr with them.. It is so stressfull... and well embarrassing.. I feel like I can't control Reese when I'm there.. Everyone looks at me like Poor lady ..she needs help...I actually had someone once ask me what was wrong with him.. I responded he is two.. nothing has to be wrong with him..

Then its not even 10 and it has happen again with the same stupid product! The flower has arrived in pieces.. Looks like I need to ditch this product.. If it's goign to just fall apart during shipping..

That's it im done with it .. it is coming off the site!

Now I'm wondering how many other products are out there that have fallen apart that I dont know about..
I hope people dont think bad of me bc of this..

.. .I keep telling myself.. They said " I love my other products they are great ,Can't wait for the girls to wear them."

It just sucks... what's next.. I just know I'm going to get like 6 more emails just like this one where the product arrives in pieces..

Will someone please come over so I can just crawl back into bed..

.. Me without it.. not a pretty thing..

So this is sad to admit...
..I'm addicted to something so good...
The smell..
The taste...
The way it wakes you up !
Even the color is nice once fixed the way I like it.
..My day doesn't start until I have had a cup or two
..Im not very pleasent until I have had a cup.
... I hear on the weekends.. Hurry up and have some coffe so you will be nice =)
.. I seem like a spaze when we are driving down the road and as we pass a store I scream out "Oh oh STARBUCKS" ..

Ryan looks at me like .. we need to get you help..

Most of the time I have to settle for Mcdonalds or a cup of joe at home =/

If I dont get it my day seems to slug on.. I can't think...
It was super hard to go 9 months without any...

Oh Coffee how I Love you =D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Little Stinker

She is definitely her fathers daughter.

Has his eye color.

His nose.

But she has my eyeshape. =D

She is a stinker this one.

Started before she was even born.

She is her Mama's daughter.

Always wanting things done yesterday.

Started at 20wks.. Contractions started.. so did the bedrest..

23wks .. she already wanted out!

That is when the hospital stay started!

Wow talk about the LONGEST 6wks of my life!

In and out of labor .. moved from one side of the hospital to the other over and over again!

Had some great nurses taking care of me though!

at 31wks they sent me home on strick bedrest.

34 wks .. I think... wait I KNOW I'm in labor.

Wait Ryan's not in town! She can't come yet!

Thank God Ryan's on his way and makes it !

She has arrived and she is so cute! She is PERFECT! She came out screaming!

No NICU stay but she is early!

She is strong like mama. =D

8months have already flown by.. she is still such a stinker.. started to crawl at 5 months.. and any day now I know she will start walking..

As soon as daddy gets home .. she goes from playing alone to screaming until he picks her up !

Everywhere we go we get stopped by someone so they can tell us just how cute she is ..

We are in trouble with this little girl already!

Monday, June 14, 2010

What if ..Would we or I or it...

..Okay don't take this in the wrong way..
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my kids like there is no tomorrow..
but I wonder what if Reese would of came just two year later...
What if we didnt get pregnant when we did...

Would we have traveled more..
Gone out more..
Have more..
Would we be doing more with friends without thinking twice...
Would I not be as stressed....

Would my boobs be this saggy...
Would my ass .. well.. look like it does..

I miss my smokin hot tight body..
I hate getting older..

Would we have moved to houston..
Where or what would be be doing ..

Even though I wonder all this.. all in all .. I can say I am where I SHOULD BE. I love my children and I'm truely blessed to have them in my life.

..It made me blush...

I got a text today!

Can't Remember the last time I got one like this..

Was it when we were dating...

it made me blush...

It read
"Just thinkin' about how sexy and awesome you are! Love you"


...The road less traveled...

Who knew that being on bed rest would start this very interesting adventure.

How did I go from being a hair dresser to a bow maker/ childrens clothes maker/creative mind....

When this all started I never thought it would become what it has.. and it has only been since November.. not even a year!

There are days I feel over whelmed by it all ..

Thinking.. Oh God I need help.. are there really 8 orders in one day!

I can't get those all out and done by tomorrow!

Then I stop remind my self your one person, yes you take pride in being fast but dont let this stress you out.

Husband tells me "don't make me pull the plug"

In my mind "Just try to .. this monster is already alive!" =D

I find myself staying up until 2am .. even though my alarm (AKA KAELYN) is up at 7 and doesnt lay back down.

Had to stop myself from working on the weekends unless it is a must!

....Maybe I should hire some one ....
...Can't I work out of my house..
....I need a shop...wait not need but want a shop..
..but wouldnt that add to the stress...

I have to many ideas in my head at once.. I forget to write them all down

I know I can make what you want.. but doesnt mean I want to at this moment..

I keep reminiding my self to keep myself in check!

Family .. house .. then work..Repeat

I'm so out of room .. this apt is to small for all this crap!

I need to get better organized.

I think I'm crazy for trying to do all this with two kids and no help

I think I enjoy it though.. the madness.. =D

Wonder where we will be in 10 years.. will have that shop?
Will we be bigger..

Do people even like the things they get?

I got my FIRST ever email about how my product arrived "damaged"

How my heart hurt

I take pride in my products.. did it really arrive broken.. in two pieces..on top of it .. i screwed the whole order up!

Now im thinking who else's did i screw up .. ugh..
Maybe working until 2am is a bad idea.. brain doesnt work as well as it should at that hour...


Yes I get it your two!
Must you yell so much!
I can not understand theconstant fits.. the screaming or hitting..limit pushing..
Being two is not stressful..
You get to color , play with toys, swim, eat, and you get to sleep in.
There are times you make me want to lock you in room.

But dispite all this...

Your the love of my life.

My first dream come true.

I love those bright, big blue eyes. Your pug nose. Your silly smile.
The hardest part of my life so far was spending 6 wks in a hospital without you.

You constantly suprise me in good ways and bad.

You make me smile when you laugh and make my heart melt when you are sweet to your sister.

Goodnights are bliss when you ask for "one more kiss and a BIG hug"

Your flat feet crack me up.

It is true kids say the darndest things.

Reese, "Thats really cool
Or "Cool-ness mommy" =D

I could go on about you... you are my Reeser!

Let the Rambling begin!

I guess the thing to do is tell you a little about myself.

24 year old mother of two.

Found out two days befor my 21st birthday , 5 wks after I was engagned that I was pregnant with my son.

Had to move wedding up form October to April.

Married at 21 on April 14, 2007 to a wonderful man, my bestfriend, a total goofy guy that makes me laugh, makes me mad, and makes me fall in love all over again all at the same time.
Frustrates me when he is in his "world" while watching tv ..

My First child born September 10 2007, Little boy Reese 6wks early
Lost one in 2008 at 18wks
Had second October 2, 2009, Little girl, Kaelyn
Spent 6wks in the hospital , more on bedrest , had her at 34 wks.

It seems like Im more stressed out now that there are two little ones and we no longer live around family.

I have time when I feel a lone in this big world, since we live aways from our friends and family.

I hate going from a house to an apartment. We need a yard for Reese
We need more room...

I need me time..

I need a vacation from my "Job" as a stay at home mom

There are days I wish I didnt stop working.. I miss talking all day to people...

But love talking to Reese about his day,

Love seeing Kaelyn smile while she tilts her head to the side

Loves how Reese says "I uv you you mommy"

Loves how Kaelyn smiles and reaches for me when I walk by her .

Feels at times I'm to young for this life, But more then greatful for it.

I have been blessed in more ways then I could ever imagine